Flynn talked sanctions with Russia, and Trump didn't know??? Seriously???
Thanks to the intrepid media — and some brave, concerned leakers in the government — we now know that former (hooray!) National Security Advisor Michael Flynn did in fact discuss President Obama’s...
View ArticleBREAKING: White House analysis of TrumpCare is WORSE than CBO!
As bad as the CBO analysis is — I’m calling TrumpCare ‘Dead Plan Walking’— it turns out that HHS Secretary Price lied through his teeth. Here’s what Politico is reporting:The executive branch analysis...
View ArticleHR McMaster boldly (and badly) lies for Dear Leader, gets thrown under the bus
HR McMaster was supposed to be the ‘adult in the room’— the anti-Flynn. He was brought on board in the middle of the Michael Flynn crisis to provide legitimacy and solid leadership to a White House...
View ArticleWhat's so funny? 'Covfefe' came from the stubby fingers poised to push the...
Let that sink in for a minute: It was after midnight, Dear Leader was likely alone in the White House — or at least only accompanied by his goon Keith Schiller. All the ‘adults’ had gone home…. Ivanka...
View Article'Not stupid' Trump admits Comey told the truth in his Senate testimony
From an interview with Faux Noose this morning:"When he found out that I, you know, that there may be tapes out there, whether it's governmental tapes or anything else, and who knows, I think his story...
View ArticleChina used fever screens, masks and contact tracing to beat down Covid-19 -...
Beating down a highly contagious virus like Covid-19 isn’t easy. Obviously, if everyone in the USA could self-isolate for 14 days, the virus would ‘die’ for want of a host. Short of that, a...
View ArticleCan we test our way out of this mess?
Dear Leader is desperate to ‘re-open’ the country (whatever that means), claims our testing is the best (hardly), and says he has the power to do it (not bloody likely).Every sane person agrees that we...
View ArticleMike Pence uses horribly misleading and dishonest maps in Covid-19 briefing.
During the 5-o’clock follies, we got our regular dose of butt-kissing (of Trump, of course) and ‘ain’t things swell!’ from Mike Pence.To show us how much better things are now, he flashed 3 maps very...
View ArticleOMG! CDC Director uses same FLU data in briefing that Pence used Thursday,...
I barely got finished with my story (we used to call it a diary, didn’t we?) about Mike Pence yesterday claiming that the maps showing the abating of FLU in the states were actually Covid-19 maps.I...
View ArticleFound - The mother-lode of Covid-19 data at the NY Times
Like many of us, I’ve been frustrated by the lack of availability, and/or coherence, of data on the Covid-19 pandemic. Every state has a tracking site, and most counties as well, and the CDC puts up a...
View ArticleHere's the 'massive' new testing capability touted tonight by the White House
At tonight’s 5-o’clock follies, the president waved around a list of ‘locations’ that he, of course, couldn’t really describe with any kind of of clarity. From the sidelines, the aide who passed him...
View ArticleSorry, Dear Leader... Yesterday's negative test is meaningless
OK, hang on to your hats… or whatever you think you need to hold onto for this… I’m going to start with a statement that our Dear Leader makes often that is actually TRUE:The USA has tested more people...
View ArticleNY Gov Cuomo confirms testing debacle - WH claim of 'plenty of machines' is...
A couple days ago, our Dear Leader waved around a list of what turned out to be lab test machines capable of running Covid-19 tests, claiming that there were ‘lots of locations’ and other blather.I...
View ArticleNY survey: 13.9% total infected, ~10X confirmed cases - preliminary data
As with all of these types of surveys, the data out of New York is preliminary, not peer-reviewed and we have to view it with a grain of salt, if not a jaundiced eye. Having said that, here are the...
View ArticleUS to NOT participate in WHO global Covid-19 vaccine consortium.... say what?
This is a story that was reported by Reuters and The Guardian and other foreign press, but hasn’t made it into the US mainstream media until I saw it on CNN about a half hour agoIt seems that the US...
View ArticleDr. Birx just totally gave up the game on Covid-19 testing
Dr. Deborah Birx was on CNN yesterday, and along with her dubious defense of Disinfectant Donnie’s musings about ‘cleaning out’ the body, she talked about the future of Covid-19 testing."For every lab,...
View ArticleKayleigh McEnany blows Trump's absurd testing claims right out of the water
As we all know only too well, Disinfectant Donnie can’t stop pointing out that the United States has done more Covid-19 tests than any other nation in the world. This is demonstrably true, which is...
View ArticleWhy can't Seattle (or Italy, Spain, France, etc.) beat down Covid-19? Let's...
(I just heard that Dr. Fauci is going into quarantine because of possible Covid-19 exposure at a White House task force meeting where nobody wore a mask because Trump doesn’t like them. I hope like...
View ArticleUh-Oh! Small problem with the awesome new antigen test that Trump is touting!...
Here it is — the latest and greatest silver bullet being pushed by Disinfectant Donnie and his merry band of bumbling fools. This is the Quidel 20299 Sofia 2 Rapid Test Analyzer, which runs the antigen...
View ArticleYet again, Dr. Birx uses horribly misleading graphics to paint a rosy picture...
I’ve blogged about this problem before, here and here. If I keep seeing these misleading graphics, I’m going to need a new TV to replace the one with the remote stuck in the screen.Take a look at the...
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